
Department FAQs

  • Department FAQ

    • I am an undergraduate student and interested in this department. What should I do?

      We welcome contact from you! We encourage you to look for faculty members of your interest on our website and email them directly, so that they will introduce you to details of our department and researches. Our entrance exam guidances are held in April to June, where we also introduce each laboratory. We also have Summer Internship Program (Information by International Liaison Office, GSFS, UTokyo).
    • How can I get scholarship information?

      You can get scholarship information from Graduate School of Frontier SciencesInternational Liaison Office of Graduate School of Frontier SciencesInternational Education Support Office of the University of Tokyo, and Japan Student Services Organization.
      Many students are supported by "World-leading INnovative Graduate Study Program (WINGS)", "Fostering Advanced Human Resources to Lead Green Transformation (SPRING-GX) Project", "Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science", or "The University of Tokyo Fellowship." 
      You can also apply to scholarships from various institutions and foundations. For example, you can apply to Japanese Government Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho or MEXT) Scholarship). Please consult with your local Japan Embassy for the selection information.
      In addition, International Student Handbook and Information for Prospective Students are available at UTokyo website.
      For details about the scholarship or tuition waiver, please contact our office or faculty members.
    • Can I have an overview of the classes?

      The Department of Integrated Biosciences is filled with unique classes.

      Researchers in the upcoming future will need the ability to express their research achievements in English, whether it be posting to an English academic journal or performing a presentation at an international academic meeting.

      "Lessons in Writing Scientific Papers in English/Practice in Oral Presentation in English" guides you on how to write an English thesis or review article, make a poster presentation in English, etc through practical seminars to learn to express yourself by using English.

      "Statistical Analysis for Biosciences" will teach the statistics which is the base of life science research, and an objective method of data analysis.

      In "Breakthrough Now and Then", lecture is provided with an overview on what research takes place in every laboratory in the Department of Integrated Biosciences as well as on the code of conduct in scientific research at the University of Tokyo.

      "Research Project Planning" is with the purpose acquiring logical thinking skills from setting a research theme, planning, and then making the presentation.

      "Ethics in Science and Technology" raises ethical issues for scientists, "Frontiers in Molecular Biology" is taught by active researchers in the front lines of life science inside and outside the university.

      Lectures on specialized research are taught by our faculty members.

      These lectures have very unique contents that you will not hear about from other departments, hence worthy of the name "Frontier Sciences".

      Also, in "Basic Biochemistry and Molecular Biology", lecture is given on basic biology required for research activities of today's experimental biology so that you can be active at the frontlines of life science right away even if you have not studied life sciences.

    • Can I take classes from other graduate schools or faculties?

      In "Life Science Archive Seminar for Graduate Course" and "Life Science Archive Common Lecture" which are specified as University-wide open subjects, you can take lectures from other graduate schools/faculties via remote lecture or in the form of archive lecture (distributed via university LAN since the winter semester of 2006). In addition, subjects from other departments/graduate schools can be counted as credits with the permission of the supervisor. In other words, credits will be granted either way, whether a student from another graduate school takes a class from our department or you take a class from another graduate school. As mentioned above, it is the motto of the Department of Integrated Biosciences to provide unique classes that quickly responds to new trends of the world, and we would be happy if you tell your friends who are not satisfied with other graduates schools or departments.

    • Does UTokyo provide Japanese language classes?

    • Can I have external supervisors?

      Yes, you can. Educational Research Committee is a system dedicated to the Department of Integrated Biosciences. It is an organization who seeks to solve problems together with the students when they have issues that they find difficult to discuss with their supervisors during education or research sessions.
      Four faculty members per year are assigned to the committee, and the same members will be responsible for students of their year until completing graduate school.
      In other words, the committee acts as the year advisor.
      Apart from handling requests from the students, interviews are conducted on a regular basis as well.

    • Do you have an internship program?

      Yes, we have Summer Internship Program. Please refer to information provided by International Liaison Office, GSFS, UTokyo.
    • What is Integrated Biosciences?

      A creative research starts from a tiny "dot" in the map of diverse academic fields. Then, it will grow to attract other researchers, which can be regarded as an "integrated" circular cone. As the name "Frontier Sciences" suggests, we aim to become the tip of the cone with our "Integrated Biosciences".
    • Why is this Department on the Kashiwa Campus?

      For the realization of the academic plan "Adventure of Knowledge" towards the 21st century, Kashiwa Campus was established as one of the three campuses of the Tripolar Structure Concept of the University Campus Plan, along with Komaba and Hongo campuses. Department of Integrated Biosciences was the first from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences to move to the Kashiwa Campus in October 2001, striving be the "bridgehead" of the challenges for the frontier of life science.
    • What Master and Ph.D. titles are awarded?

      We award "Master of Integrated Biosciences" and "Doctor of Philosophy" (also known as Ph.D.).